Please note: Our live worship services are not publicly streamed online. If you are able, we strongly encourage you to attend in person, whether with us or some other gospel-preaching church.  We are to “present our bodies… as our spiritual worship” (Rom 12:1). It will be a source of encouragement for both you and others (Heb 10:24–25) as body and soul are joined in worship. 

Of course, not everyone is able to come in person. If you are hindered for whatever reason, please contact your shepherding elder or a pastor for the livestream password. If you need contact information, please reach out to the church office at or call (954) 461-7283.

Our full worship services are recorded and posted online every Monday. Sermons are also posted.

To access the archive of worship services, CLICK HERE

To view sermon archives CLICK HERE



Sunday Service Times...

9:30am (Sunday School)

10:30am (Morning Worship)

5:00pm (Evening Worship)