Thank you for supporting the ministry of First Presbyterian Church!


Checks made payable to First Presbyterian Church can be mailed to PO Box 8826 Coral Springs, FL 33075.

Or you can give online here (FPC pays a small transaction fee for each transaction):


Zelle icon sm NEW! - Give through Zelle (FPC pays NO transaction fee!):  Send Zelle donations to



At First Presbyterian Church of Coral Springs, we believe that it is important to give primarily in the worship service. The giving back to God of tithes and offerings belongs in that context because worship is the heart of giving. Not only do our gifts support the ongoing work of the church, they are spiritually beneficial to the giver. So, the disciplines of remembering and placing our offering into the offering plate are important to preserve. We encourage you to give in the service itself regularly.

But, we recognize that all kinds of circumstances lead to needing other means of supporting the church. There are several ways to give and support the ministry at FPC:

  • Drop your donation in the offering plate during the worship service.
  • Mail a check to our office, payable to First Presbyterian Church: PO Box 8826  Coral Springs, FL 33075
  • Set up an electronic bill pay through your own bank (no charge to the church).
  • Give ONLINE through a one-time or recurring gift.
  • Zelle icon sm NEW! - Give through Zelle (NO transaction fee):  Send Zelle donations to
  • Donate stock (see below)

Stocks & Other Charitable Gifts

Did you know you can donate appreciated investments ? Donating an investment with a long-term (positions held for a period of greater than one year) capital gain allows the church the ability to access cash in the value of your gift and gives you the same tax deduction as donating with a check or through our online portal.

To donate directly to First Presbyterian Church:

  1. Contact your financial institution about making a “DTC Gift Transfer.”
  2. Select the position(s) you would like to donate.
  3. Use the information below to complete their transfer letter.
  4. Contact the church office (954) 461-7283 X406 to notify the church of the incoming gift.

At the end of the year, you will receive a gift receipt that accounts for the value of the gift you made.

If you have further questions or would like to make some other kind of donation, contact: the church office at (954) 461-7283 X406.

DTC Gift Transfer Instructions:

  • Receiving Institution: Vanguard  PO Box 982901  El Paso, TX 79998-2901
  • Receiving Institution DTC #: 0062
  • Receiving Account Registration: First Presbyterian Continuing Church of Coral Springs
  • Receiving Account Number: 89108731

FAQ’S About Giving Online

Do I have to create a login?

No. You can always choose the option to make a one-time gift where you do not have to create a login account. However, you will not be able to use your bank account to give (Guests can only pay by Credit Card, or Debit Card), or not be able to track your online giving, print tax receipts, or schedule recurring gifts.

Is it safe to give online?

Yes. The security of the system is continually managed by Realm Giving.  Realm Giving has the highest level of data security, keeping your information safe.

From what types of bank accounts can I give?

You can give online from your checking or savings account.

Can I use a credit card or debit card to make a contribution?

Yes, you can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover.

Are there any fees involved with giving online?

Not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. Contributions made online come with a small fee to the church. The service will give you the opportunity to pay that fee if you wish.

How do I make a recurring gift?

To make a recurring gift, enter the amount of your recurring gift, select the fund to apply it to (General is the default), select the frequency of your gift, then click "Next". From here you will be asked to create an account with Google, Facebook, or your email address on the next page. (Guests can not setup recurring gifts).

If I want to set-up a recurring gift, what are my options for frequency of my gift?

For recurring gifts, you have the option of giving weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or twice a month.

Can I change the amount or the frequency of my gift once I have set it up?

Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of the contribution. If you have an account, simply log in to the system using your user name and password and make the necessary changes.

Can I review my donation history online?

Yes. When you set up an account, the site will allow you to view the complete history of your online contributions.

Will I still receive regular contribution statements from the church?

Yes. The church will continue to send year-end contribution statements for tax purposes. These statements will reflect all your contributions to FPC including those made online.

Can I designate my gift to a particular ministry?

Yes. When making a donation to FPC, you can use the Fund field to designate your contribution to a specific ministry.

How will I know that I set up my gift correctly?

Immediately after submitting your contribution, you will receive an e-mail verifying your contribution.

I have additional questions about online giving that have not been addressed. Who can I talk to?

For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact 

Jeff Stanton
954-461-7283 x 406

You will receive a response as soon as possible.