First Presbyterian Church of Coral Springs is a Christ centered, reformed congregation. We hold to a historical, biblical, reformed, and confessional, Christian faith.

We believe that the gospel is the power of God for everyone who believes.

We believe that God’s power to save and renew chiefly works through his ordinances of Word, Prayer, and Sacraments.

Our fervent prayer is that we will honor God in our worship, our fellowship, our witness, our discipleship, and our service. We invite you to join us in that same prayer. 

Historical:  We are a Christian church and so are delighted to be united by faith with believers from every nation tribe, tongue, and denomination who also confess the historic gospel message that we believe.

We believe in one God, eternal and self-existing in three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) who are to be equally loved, honored, and adored. 

We believe that every human being is a sinner in need of grace.

We believe that God has given that grace by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save sinners and that anyone can be forgiven and redeemed by turning from their sins and believing in Jesus Christ.

We believe that Jesus really lived, that he really died, that he really rose, and that he will come again in glory at the Last Day.

We believe that sinners who come to believe in Jesus as Savior by the Word of God, are born again, become God’s children, and can never lose that saving grace.

We believe that we are justified by faith alone and not our own good works.

We believe that every Christian is called to live a holy life and strive to do good works for God’s glory.

Biblical: First Presbyterian Church strives to be biblical in everything we do.

We believe and are committed to the Bible as God’s inerrant and infallible word, the final authority in Faith and Life. 

We believe that the Bible teaches how God desires to be worshipped and so our worship services are filled with Scripture. They inspire the hymns we sing and the prayers we pray. 

We believe that preaching is and must be the explanation and application of what God has said in his Word.

Reformed: As a church, we are committed to the historic Christian beliefs known as Reformed Protestantism.

Confessional: Our beliefs and understanding of the faith are summarized in The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms


First Presbyterian Church of Coral Springs is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination.

You can learn more about the PCA at: