Missionary Associates Directory

First Presbyterian Church is an Intentional Missionary Congregation. We take seriously the mandates of our Lord as He instructs us to make every effort to reach the lost.

We carry out these mandates in several ways:

  1. Bible Teaching and Preaching - We desire people to come to Christ, both our neighbors and people scattered across the face of the globe. To this end we put the local and global mission of the church at the heart of our teaching and preaching.

  2. A Robust Missionary Family - As we look for people from our congregation as well as others, we are gratified that the Lord has led us to such gifted men and women over the years. We give first priority both in personnel and in finances to those engaged in evangelistic work and church planting. Our second priority includes those whose major ministry is primarily teaching in schools of various kinds. Our third priority is to send and support people in service and administrative posts, knowing that these too fulfill an essential place in the missionary endeavor.

  3. Short-term Mission Trips - Each year the church sends groups of its members to minister to others in this or in other countries, through children's ministry, medical assistance and building construction. The purpose of these trips is not simply to bring aid and assistance, but especially to provide the opportunity for our own people to grow in grace and understanding as they observe what God is doing in other parts of the world.

  4. Limited Partnerships - Our more recent direction has been to enter into partnerships with newly formed church plants in other countries. We help to finance them, pray for them, partner with them in their growing years until they become self-sufficient. At present, we have entered into such a partnership with the Cumbres del Rey church plant, located in Monterrey, Mexico.

  5. Mission Conference - Each year, usually in the fall season, an entire week is given to the cause of missions. Special speakers are invited to address the congregation in a variety of settings. These speakers, many of them our Missionary Associates, lead our worship services, speak in our Sunday School classes, our Wednesday night dinner, home groups, and Coral Springs Christian Academy classes. This week is one of the highlights in the church calendar.

  6. Mission Financing - This church finances its missionary outreach through two major sources; Mission Faith Promise giving and a percentage of the church general income. On the final Sunday of our annual mission conference, church members are given the opportunity to make a faith promise commitment. This is a promise by faith, as God provides, over and above their regular tithe to give for the cause of the church's mission.

Missionary Associates

Click the link below for a list of our Missionary Associates along with a brief description of their respective ministries.  Please join us in praying for them and their families as they continue serving the Lord.


Missionary of the Month - September 2024

Brad & Stacy Hunter – Vienna, Austria

Brad is the church planting pastor of New City Wien, a bilingual reformed church in the heart of Vienna. Please pray for the work of church planting and associated Christian school.


For more info about Missions, contact:

Jamey Poole - Missions Chairman
